Influence of mandibular fracture on the dynamics of cytolytic and hepatodepressive syndromes among wounded people with massive external bleeding and usage of a tourniquet
gunshot wound, massive blood loss, mandible fracture, liver functionAbstract
Introduction. Injuries in today's urban society are an urgent problem. In modern trauma, along with the lesion of various anatomical parts of the body increases the frequency of damages of the extremities main vessels with the development of massive external bleeding. Under these conditions, the only way to escape is to apply a tourniquet lasting up to two hours. At the same time in the structure of militant trauma and injuries in peacetime there is a tendency to increase the frequency of injuries of the maxillofacial area. The main cause of the injured people death is the development of systemic disorders with secondary lesions of tissues and organs remote from the site of direct injury. However, the role of mandible fracture in the development of systemic disorders in the case of acute blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb is insufficiently studied.
Purpose: to establish peculiarities of the liver dysfunction indicators among wounded people under conditions of mandible fracture, gunshot damage of the lower extremity soft tissues with massive external bleeding.
Materials and methods. Extracts from the electronic database of Medical Cards of inpatients military personnel who were treated at the National Military Medical Clinical Center "General Military Clinical Hospital" and were injured during the anti-terrorist operation / joint force operation from 2014 to 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Among them the results of examinations and treatment of 10 wounded patients were selected, they had isolated gunshot wounds of soft tissues of the thigh with massive external blood loss and 8 wounded patients with similar gunshot wounds, and they had additional non-gunshot fractures of the mandible. All the wounded people were immediately provided with hemostatic tourniquet proximal on the injured hip.
Shock index, indicators of cytolytic syndrome (activity of serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferases (ALT, AST), the content of total and conjugated serum bilirubin) and hepatodepressive syndrome (serum total protein and albumin) were taken into account from the medical records. Indicators were recorded at the time of admission to the hospital, after 6-7 days and at the time of discharge from the hospital. Additionally, the duration of patients staying in the hospital in each of the examination groups was analyzed.
Research results and their discussion. At the time of admission to the hospital wounded patients of both observation groups had a significant increase of the shock index, serum activity of ALT and AST, the content of total and direct bilirubin. During treatment of the wounded patients with additional mandible fractures up to 6-7 days, serum activity of ALT, AST and direct serum bilirubin was significantly higher, and total serum protein content was lower compared to wounded patients without mandible fracture.
Conclusion. Additional mandible fracture among wounded people with gunshot damage of the thigh, massive blood loss and ischemia-reperfusion of the limb significantly impairs the functional state of the liver with a maximum of 6-7 days in hospital and is an important factor in systemic manifestations of traumatic disease, which should be considered in clinical conditions.
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