Modern ideas about morphological changes in the cerebellar cortex under influence of factors of different origin
cerebellum, neurons, micro- and submicroscopic changes, exogenous and endogenous effectsAbstract
The work is a fragment of scientific research “Peculiarities of structural reorganization of the nervous, digestive, endocrine systems, hematopoietic and immune organs under conditions of thermal injury and the use of corrective factors” (0120U104152).
The study of the state of internal organs and systems of the body under the influence of external factors that are stressful is relevant. The negative impact of environmental factors on the central nervous system, including cerebellum, leads to their structural and functional restructuring. The cerebellum is a multifunctional component of the brain and the object of numerous lesions.
The purpose of this work is analysis of scientific literature which is dedicated study of the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors on the morphological structure of the cerebellum.
The article analyzes the scientific literature of the effects of hypodynamia, hypothermia, hypokinesia, alcohol intoxication, toxic effects of Lead, drugs, pharmacological agents, low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field on the micro- and submicroscopic organization of the cerebellum. In lots of experimental studies, which were analyzed it is established that in the dynamics of the influence of different factors there is a reorganization of the cerebellar cortex layers and disruption of the microcirculatory bed structures. Purkinje cells change shape to spherical, their processes are thinned, sharply hyperchromic neurocytes prevail over normochromic ones. The functional activity of neurons is reduced, because the chromatophilic substance is almost absent. The thickness of the molecular and granular layers decreases. The ganglionic layer loses its single-row arrangement of neurons. There are erythrocytes in the coin columns in the lumens of hemocapillaries. The dilatation and prevascular edema are observed. Thus, under the conditions of negative influence of various factors in neurocytes of a cerebellar cortex and links of a microcirculatory channel there are destructive and degenerative changes on micro- and submicroscopic levels. In the long run there are adaptive-compensatory processes and necrotic, which had a phase dependence. So, destructive and degenerative changes on micro- and submicroscopic levels. In the long run there are adaptive-compensatory processes and necrotic, which had a phase dependence.
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