Analysis of the relationship between the activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase and interleukin-1 in the pathogenesis of experimental diabetic retinopathy
experimental diabetic retinopathy, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, inducible oxide synthase, interleukin 1β.Abstract
The purpose of the study: analysis of changes in the development of hypoxia and endothelial dysfunction in experimental diabetic retinopathy. Our results indicate endothelial dysfunction and dysfunction of nitric oxide synthesis on the 30th day of development of experimental diabetic retinopathy. An increase in the activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase in the 2nd group (p <0.001) in the first stage of the experiment with further progression of pathological changes on the 60th and 180th day of the study. The development of the inflammatory process in experimental diabetic retinopathy has been revealed and its relationship with the increase in the activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase has been confirmed. The most pronounced increase in the studied cytokine was detected in the 3rd stage of the experiment (p <0,001).
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