Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation method in physiotherapy in patients after mastectomy
cancer, disability, shoulder painAbstract
Rehabilitation in the course of breast cancer is an indispensable part of the treatment. The implementation of rehabilitation in the form of kinesitherapy should also take place in the pre-treatment period, so as to compensate for the possibility of complications associated with immobilisation of the patient after mastectomy. In most studies on post-mastectomy rehabilitation, emphasis is placed on anti-anginal prophylaxis and lymphedema therapy.
The article aims to present treatment proposals that use the concept of PNF in improved postmastectomy patients. This method, known since the 90's, is often reserved for patients with neurological damage, but can also be successfully used in other patient groups using its main principles and philosophy of therapeutic goals. The article presents examples of activities that can be used in therapy in various phases. The paper presents the method of using the method associated with the upper limb dysfunction after mastectomy, which can be freely modified for the purposes of superior therapy. A review of available literature and own experience was used.
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