Psychopathology of mental and behavioral disorders in people with intellectual disability
intellectual disability, mental disability, mental disorders, behavioral disorders, psychopathologyAbstract
Mental and behavioral disorders often coexist in people with intellectual disabilities. The prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders in people with intellectual disability, compared to people with the intellectual norm, differ in the form of manifestation of the symptoms of a given disorder depending on the degree of intellectual disability. Psychopathological and behavioral disorders are often mistakenly captured as a result of intellectual disability itself. Therefore, the correct diagnosis of people with mental retardation is an increasing value.
The aim of this article is to present the issues of mental and behavioral disorders in the population of people with intellectual disabilities. Presentation of the symptomatology of these disorders and the subject of therapy in order to improve the functioning of people with intellectual disabilities.
People with intellectual disabilities show a greater risk of developing mental and behavioral disorders. To date, no uniform diagnostic criteria have been established that would allow for a more accurate medical diagnosis. Increasing the knowledge of the functioning of people with intellectual disabilities who show mental disorders and the correct diagnosis would allow to increase the effectiveness of undertaken therapeutic tasks and improve the quality of life of people with mental disabilities.
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