Implementation of the pedagogical experiment on the issues of formation of the readiness of teachers of natural specialties to the development of entrepreneurial enterprise
teacher training, entrepreneurial competence, experiment, pedagogical experiment, levels of teacher formationAbstract
Institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education provide the formation of readiness of teachers, including natural sciences, to develop entrepreneurial competence of high school students, which became the basis of experimental pedagogical research.
The author defines the task: to identify the conceptual principles of the organization of experimental and pedagogical research to determine the readiness of teachers of natural specialties to develop entrepreneurial competence of high school students; to characterize the stages of implementation and analyze the methodological tools of pedagogical experiment.
Experimental pedagogical research "Formation of readiness of teachers of natural specialties in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education for the development of entrepreneurial competence of high school students" involves establishing patterns of professional growth of teachers and identifying their readiness to implement entrepreneurial competence in practice.
This pedagogical experiment was implemented from August 2015 to June 2019 and included the following stages: ascertaining, formative and generalizing.
Based on the theoretical research, we have developed the stages, content and methods of experimental work performed within the dissertation research.
The results of the pedagogical experiment testify to the positive dynamics of the formation of the readiness of teachers of natural specialties of experimental groups for the development of entrepreneurial competence of high school students in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education.
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