Entropies of thymocytogram, splenocytogram, immunocytogram and leukocytogram in rats are regulated by sex and the neuroendocrine parameters while regulates immune parameters
Entropy of thymocytogram, splenocytogram, immunocytogram and leukocytogram, autonomic nervous, endocrine and immune parameters, female and male rats.Abstract
Background. We have previously shown that the Entropy (E) of the relative spectral power density (SPD) of the EEG rhythms is its quite relevant parameter. We also found significant relationships between the SPD E of individual EEG loci and the E of the Leukocytogram (LCG) and Immunocytogram (ICG) of the blood, as well as with their individual components. The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationships between E(s) of these four morpho-functional immune subsystem and sex as well as parameters of the neuroendocrine-immune complex in rats. Materials and methods. Experiment was performed on 108 healthy Wistar rats (48 male and 60 female) weighing 205-300 g (M±SD=260±26 g) divided into 8 groups. Animals of the first group remained intact, using tap water from drinking ad libitum. Instead, the other rats received various balneofactors for 6 days. The day after the completion of the drinking/application course in all rats the parameters of neuroendocrine-immune complex were registered. Results. The drinking/application course did not affect the E level of any morpho-functional immune subsystem, the relationships between which are insignificant. Females have less E TCG than males, whereas sexual dimorphism is insignificant for E SCG and ICG and absent for E LCG. The canonical correlation of mediocre force (R=0,675) between sex index (M=1;F=2) and neuro-endocrine parameters (HRV, calcitonin, parathyroid and mineralocorticoid activities, corticosterone plasma, 17-KS urine) was revealed. Factors linked to female sex upregulates nine immune parameters (R=0,630), while downregulates nine others (R=0,678). The neuroendocrine constellation (testosterone plasma, HRV, calcitonin, parathyroid and mineralocorticoid activities) is associated with the constellation of entropies (R=0,533). Entropy of a single morpho-functional immune subsystem is associated with a certain constellation of immune parameters. In particular, E SCG with 12 (R=0,721), E TCG with 9 (R=0,615), E ICG with 8 (R=0,586), E LCG with 12 (R=0,631). Conclusion. Entropies of thymocytogram, splenocytogram, immunocytogram and leukocytogram in rats are regulated by sex and the neuroendocrine factors while regulates immune parameters.
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