Veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder – literature analyzing: symptoms, statistics and therapies
post-traumatic stress disorder, veterans, military service, therapyAbstract
Introduction: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that affects 10-20% of people who will experience a serious mental injury in their lives. Soldiers are one of the most vulnerable social groups to develop PTSD as they reach several factors which may induce the PTSD. The aim of the study: The purpose of this work was to find literature on PTSD among people in the military service. Material and method: Literature has been found and selected among articles found in the websides such as PubMed and Google Scholar. Description of the state of knowledge: Literature describes both - factors predisposing to PTSD, and describtions of numerous methods of therapy for soldiers such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and Exposure Therapy. In addition, the literature provides many innovative methods to help combat the PTSD. It is important not only to inform the soldier about the therapy, but also to enable him to undergo it regularly. It is worth mentioning, for example, video to home - VTH, which is an extension of Exposure Therapy. Thanks to it, even if someone for some reason cannot participate in therapy in the place where it takes place, it can be done at home without fear of getting to the therapy. Summary: There are many methods of PTSD therapy. In addition to pharmacological, psychotherapy is very important. Soldiers should undergo these therapies and should be encouraged to complete cycles so that they can feel the effects of the therapy.References
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