Myocardial blood flow assessment with myocardial perfusion scan in patients with coronary artery chronic total occlusion
heart, scintigraphy, perfusion, CTOAbstract
Introduction and purpose: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a leading cardiological problem in modern society. A special form of CAD is the Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO), which affects about 20% of visible coronary artery lesions. The aim of the study is to present the role of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy performed on patients with CTO, and scintigraphic findings in these patients.
Material and method: It was a retrospective study. We analized studies in patients with CTO reported in medical history. We included studies performed between 2016 and 2019. 119 cases were found with the majority of men (M = 95, W = 24). The patients’ mean age was 65 years (M = 65, W = 66). In order to assess ischemia in these patients, the stress test was applied by means of physical exercise (cycloerometer) or pharmacological test. If patient's clinical condition did not allow a stress test, only a rest test was performed.
Results: In the analyzed group the most common occluded vessel was the right coronary artery (59%). In this case, mean ischaemia was found to cover 18% of the myocardium. The second most frequent obstructed vessel was the circumflex (16%) with ischaemia of 15%. The next artery was left anterior descending artery with ischaemia of 30% and other vessel - 7%. 9 patients had more than one vessel closed.
Conclusions: Myocardial perfusion imaging helps to choose optimal treatment in patients with CTO.
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