Types of diet in enteral nutrition in children – short review
enteral nutrition, newborns, children, energy dietAbstract
Enteral nutrition is the most basic and important method of nutritional intervention. Indication for nutritional support in children is insufficient oral supply, including inability to cover 60-80% of individual caloric demand for more than 10 days. In newborns, the most common reason for the need for enteral nutrition is prematurity. In infants and older children the following are most often mentioned: short bowel syndrome, neurological disorders, cystic fibrosis, congenital heart disease, burns, severe injuries, renal failure requiring dialysis, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer.
According to a review of the literature, nutritional support should be started for children older than 1 year within 5 days, and for children under 1 year within 3 days of being diagnosed with eating disorders.
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