Research of effects by donators nitrogen of oxygen in complex therapy during experimental peritonitis
peritonitis, experimental model, histological examination, correction, L-argininAbstract
The research was conducted on 175 white rats of reproductive age (3 months), weight of animals - 180-220 g. Animals were divided into 4 groups:
Group 1 - 20 intact animals. Group 2 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis.
Group 3 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction and debridement by chlorhexidine solution. Group 4 - 50 rats with simulated fecal peritonitis with subsequent antibiotic correction, chlorhexidine debridement and endothelial dysfunction correction with the use of a nitric oxide donor.Fecal peritonitis was modeled using injection of 10% fecal suspension in a dose of 0.5 ml per100 gof animal weight in the abdominal cavity of laboratory animals by puncture method (Lazarenko V.A., et al., 2016, patent No. 233826).
The following results were obtained.
Histologically confirmed the development of experimental peritonitis in all groups of the experiment. In the group №2 on the third day the deterioration of the studied structures was established. In the group in which the experimental peritonitis was corrected by antibiotic therapy and chlorhexidine remediation, the effectiveness of the correction was morphologically proven. In group 4, macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the intestine, liver, and abdomen did not reveal significant differences from the histological picture we observed in rats of the intact group.
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