Opinions of physical education teachers about the preparation of teachers of early school education to carry out physical activities in classes I-III
integrated teaching, physical education, competence of an early school education teacher to conduct physical activitiesAbstract
Primary schooling is the most important stage in a child's development. Therefore, it is very important that the first teacher, who is an authority for a small child, is competent in all areas of education, including the conducting of the physical activities. Entrusting physical education classes to teachers of early school education is the simplest solution, but at the same time extremely difficult with serious consequences for children in the future.
Based on some of the research results presented in this article, attempts were made to describe what are the opinions of physical education teachers about the competence of early school education teachers, to conduct physical education classes. The study was conducted in 2015 during the implementation of a training course for teachers of primary schools in the Lodz region by the Laboratory of Physical and Health Education of the University of Lodz. The results of the study were based on interviews with N= 30 physical education teachers (N= 20 women and N= 10 men), working with classes IV-VI and participating in the training mentioned.
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