The level of stress intensity and the incidence of bruxism in people in managerial positions in the construction industry
stress, work, bruxism, temporomandibular joints, painAbstract
Introduction: Current research results show that the phenomenon of stress occurring during the performance of official tasks is becoming more and more common among the vast majority of professional groups. People holding managerial positions are subject to strong pressure because they are responsible for supervising and commissioning tasks to subordinates, and thus for the proper functioning and economic performance of the company. With this mode of work, people in managerial positions are constantly subjected to stressful situations.
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess stress and its impact on the appearance of bruxism among people in managerial positions in the construction industry. Additionally, the impact of stress on the occurrence of temporomandibular joint pain was assessed.
Materials and methods: The material were employees (n = 104) performing managerial functions in the construction industry, who gave informed consent to participate in completing the three-part anonymous research questionnaire. The first part of the survey included general information about the respondents (i.e. age, sex, education, seniority). The second part of the questionnaire consisted of seven closed questions about their professional work and stress at work. The third part of the survey consists of 8 closed questions in the form of a ten-point scale assessing the occurrence of bruxism symptoms. The obtained test results were subjected to statistical analysis, where the correlation coefficient and Pearson test (p ≤ 0.05) were used.
Results: Stress at work was found in all respondents. 70% of respondents declare that they are satisfied with their work, and 66% say that work affects their health. Analyzing the level of stress at work (scale 0-10), the most common answer was 6 (30.77%), followed by 8 (25%). Among the factors causing stress to the most frequently chosen the answers were: time pressure (60.58%), subordinates (50%). Bruxism symptoms, i.e. headache (89%), teeth clenching (83%), temporomandibular joint pain (75%), masticatory pain (64%), worn tooth surfaces (61%) have been observed in the construction industry. . The rarest symptoms of bruxism in the examined group are: teeth grinding (59%), facial swelling (58%), sensory disturbances (54%). When asked about the level of severity of complaints reported (on a scale of 0-10) within the US, headaches followed by teeth clenching and temporomandibular joint aches. The stress felt by the respondents related to the occurrence of pain within the temporomandibular joints shows a positive correlation [r = 0.032]. We can therefore assume that the higher the stress level, the higher the sensation of temporomandibular joint pain. Ailments such as headaches - [r = 0.091] teeth clenching - [r = 0.141], teeth grinding - [r = 0.116], worn surfaces - [r = 0.107] and facial edema - [r = 0.067] also show positive correlation, but for a given significance the correlations are weak.
1. People in managerial positions in the construction sector experience work-related stress.
2. Stress may affect the occurrence of bruxism symptoms in persons in managerial positions in the construction sector.
3.Higher levels of stress in the workplace may affect the higher sensation of temporomandibular joint pain.
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