Simulation training of interns-pediatricians: assessment and stabilization of urgent conditions in neonatology
Simulation training, interns, neonatology, asphyxiaAbstract
The article presents the results of applying stimulation technology in basic training of interns on specialty “Pediatrics” on giving urgent aid in case of neonatal asphyxia.
Objective: to analyze the efficacy of introducing the elements of simulation training of interns on specialty “Pediatrics” at the Department of Pediatrics and Children Infectious Diseases, Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”.
Materials and methods. The authors share their experience in introducing approaches to assessment and stabilization of condition of a neonate with severe asphyxia applying simulation methods of training.
Results. The interns admitted a high efficacy of simultaneous learning theoretical material and mastering practical skills on a simulation mannequin. The results of testing in “KROK-3” frame were found to be higher after simulation practice and its discussion (on an average 80,5% in comparison with 72,2% before training).
Conclusions. In training interns’ skills of urgent aid given to neonates both clinical protocols developed on the evidence-based principals and modern simulation technologies are reasonable to be used.References
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