Relationship of the psychosomatic status of pediatric interns and the efficiency of their education
postgraduate education, internship, pediatrics, psychoemotional stateAbstract
The results of a study of psychoemotional and psychosomatic status in a group of interns who are trained in an internship in the specialty "Pediatrics" are presented. It is established that changes in the psychosomatic status and personal characteristics of interns have a significant negative impact on the results of their training.
In conducting the survey of interns-pediatricians found average levels of personal anxiety, extraversion and neuroticism. It should also be emphasized that signs of autonomic dysfunction were diagnosed in 65.0% of interns. The results of the final certification of interns were positively associated with their level of motivation (r = 0.40, p <0.05) and the severity of autonomic dysfunction (r = 0.58, p <0.05). It was established a feedback between the results of certification with complaints of pain syndrome of various localization (r = -0.37, p <0.05), complaints from the cardiovascular system (r = -0.42, p <0.05) and the level of personal anxiety (r = -0.36, p <0.05).
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