Application of bioelectric impedance in the assessment of body components to active and pasiv athletes
Athlete, bioelectrical resistance, bodily constituents, T-testAbstract
Assessment of body composition is of particular importance to active athletes, in determining the optimal body mass, especially in controlling the effect of the training process. The purpose of this paper is the confirmation of the goal between active athletes and passive athletes in bodily constituents using the bioelectrical resistance method (BIA). This research has included 50 athletes of 4 complex poly structural sports and 50 passive athletes (former athletes) of these sports; the sample has included a total of 100 tested athletes. The sample of variables from the "TANITA" apparatus (as a bioelectric resistance method (BIA)) is consisted of 10 variables. The basic statistical and asymmetric parameters were applied for the processing of results as well as T-test analysis for independent groups. The results of this research show that significant statistical differences have been earned in the arithmetic averages between active athletes and passive athlete to most of the variables of bodily constituents, especially in adipose tissue variables p <0.01. According to the results of this research, it is recommended to use the same method in order to compare the body composition to athletes of various sports.References
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