Educational needs of parents towards a healthy newborn baby
newborn baby, parents, educationAbstract
Introduction: The birth of a child is not only one of the most important life events for parents, but also a challenge in dealing with many difficulties associated with the basic stages of development and nursing a newborn baby. Often, insufficient knowledge and lack of skills about the child's development and care, are the cause of considerable difficulties for the parents of the newborn child. Health education is an important element of supporting activities in medicine, especially the education of young parents. It should include knowledge of maintaining hygiene, the use of appropriate care products, protecting umbilical stump, feeding, stimulating the child, as well as the use of vaccines. As many studies show, knowledge of healthy behaviors and parents' skills in newborn care and care determine the child's health in a broad sense.The aim of the study was to analyze the state of knowledge of parents about the newborn period and childcare as well as to analyze educational needs in this area.
Material and method: The study involved 80 parents of newborns. The research method used in the work was a diagnostic survey. The survey technique in the form of a questionnaire was used to conduct the research.
Results: In assessing the knowledge transferred about neonatal care by medical staff in the maternity ward, male and female responses are mixed. Only 37% of women obtained extensive knowledge, while 63% of women insufficient and in need of supplementation. As many as 70% of the men did not receive any information from the staff, the rest (30%) of the men were given messages, but they were incomplete. The most frequently chosen form of acquiring knowledge by both female and male respondents was to talk to staff (63%) and instruct (43%). For the vast majority of respondents (95%) the concept of newborn is familiar
Conclusions: However, the knowledge possessed by parents is incomplete. Men are ignored in parental education. Most of the respondents know the rules of childcare. Most parents need to transfer knowledge and skills from specialists.
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