The accessibility of internet services on the example of the package of JBiblioteka
accessibility, Joomla!, CMS, WCAG 2.0, public librariesAbstract
JBiblioteka is an innovative template programme (based on open source CMS Joomla!) for public libraries, which puts an emphasis on the accessibility of internet pages. It allows libraries to introduce an internet portal, which meets the requirements of the WCAG 2.0. standard (Web Accessibility Guidelines) and usability of the webpage services. It is of utmost importance because of the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 12 April 2012 aboutthe Home Frameworks of Interoperability , the minimum requirements for public registers and electronic information exchange, and the minimum requirements for data transmission systems (Dz. U. 2012, entry 526). The regulation obliges entities of public utility to harmonize the webpage services to the WCAG 2.0 standard recognized in most European countries.
The article presents the results of the experts’ analysis concerning the review of the functionality of the JBiblioteka template and the analysis of its accessibility. The main aim of the text is to present new solutions in the field of adjusting internet services to the needs of handicapped people and making librarians acquainted with innovative solutions increasing the quality of the library internet services.
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