The Impact of Judges’ Delegations on the Right to a Fair Trial
delegation of a judge, the right to a fair trial, the Minister of Justice, independence of a court, independence of a judgeAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of delegations of judges on the right to a fair trial and public hearing of a case by a competent, autonomous, impartial and independent court, guaranteed in Article 45 par. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Although the issue of admissibility of entrusting the Minister of Justice with the competence to delegate judges has already been discussed in the doctrine and judicial decisions, the introduction of significant changes in the scope of functioning of the judiciary, as well as the recently established practice of delegating judges by the Minister of Justice justify the necessity of re-analysing this subject matter. Deliberations herein lead to a conclusion that delegation of judges may be a mechanism of depending the court on the executive, whereas, the participation in the judicial panel of a judge delegated by the Minister of Justice casts doubt on the court’s attributes of competence, autonomy, independence and impartiality.
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