Purpose: An overview of how trademarks are used to brand universities and an analysis of global trends in this area.
Methodology: The methodology of the article is based on the basic method used in legal sciences, which is the legal-dogmatic method. In addition, an analysis of the literature on the subject was carried out. Furthermore, within the framework of the article, data on registered trademarks in the databases of intellectual property offices were used.
Findings: The use of trademarks as part of a university's branding and identity is becoming a global trend. An increasing number of universities are choosing to protect their trademarks also within regional and international systems. The use of trademarks is part of the third-generation university model as one focused on communication and cooperation with the socio-economic environment.
Originality/value: The article refers to the realisation by trademarks their functions in the activities of entities that are not directly aimed at generating profit. It attempts to show the relationship between the change in the operating model of universities and the use of distinctive signs in communication with the socio-economic environment.
Keywords: trademark, branding, third generation university
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Zarządzenie nr 37 Rektora Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego z 2 czerwca 2016 roku w sprawie wprowadzenia Regulaminu udostępniania podmiotom zewnętrznym znaków towarowych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz zgłaszania nowych znaków towarowych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego przez jednostkę organizacyjną UJ (Ordinance No. 37 of the Rector of the Jagiellonian University of 2 June 2016 on the introduction of the Regulations for making Jagiellonian University trademarks available to external entities and filing new trademarks of the Jagiellonian University by its organizational unit)
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