environment, human rights, nature, international humanitarian law, peace, warAbstract
This review essay outlines, examines and compares two approaches to the environment – the international human rights law approach and the international humanitarian law approach. International community is in the middle of a climate emergency, facing societal collapse and the possible extinction of our species in the future. Hence, we might or we should use any legal weapon we can – including international human rights law and international humanitarian law – to confer as much protection on the environment as we can. The main research questions are: Which of these approaches better protects the environment? Which is closer to the idea that the environment should not only be protected but should have its rights? Where the environment is protected for its value for humans and where for its inherent value? The research methods used in the paper are content analysis of the relevant literature and legal analysis of human rights law and international humanitarian law treaties.
The authors conclude that human rights law approach is more progressive and would offer better protection to the environment, even though it is still anthropocentric. Consequently, a human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment has to be anthropocentric. As to international humanitarian law, international policy has a long way to go before the welfare of the whole ecosystem is adequately recognised and protected in armed conflicts. While international humanitarian law is also anthropocentric and generally neglects to safeguard nature, some principles can be inferred to offer nominal protection in times of conflict at all levels: custom, general principles and treaties.
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