Funkcjonalistyczna teoria umysłu, przetwarzanie informacji a myślenie ludzkie
functionalism, mind, processing of information, self-awareness, intentionalityAbstract
Functionalist theory of mind, processing of information and human thinking
Functionalism as a theory of mind was proposed by Hilary Putnam. It treats the states of mind as functional states and properties of mind as functional properties According to this theory mental states can be accomplished by various physical states. This is how functionalism became the philosophical base for computational theories of mind, which say that human thinking is just calculation and aware experiences come into existence as a result of computational process. The main theme of my article is the question: Can human thinking be reduced to algorithmical computational process? Mental experiment which was taken by J. Searle and N. Block, likewise our common experience shows that our thinking is something more than just algorithmical repetition of information.
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