El naturalismo cientificista como pseudorreligión y anti-teología natural
naturalism, physicalism, biologicism, theism, atheism, religionAbstract
Scientist naturalism as pseudo religion and anti-natural theology
After exposing the basic ideas of the naturalistic worldview (sections 1, 2 and 3), an attempt is made to show that naturalism is an interpretation of science that has an inescapable "mythological" dimension, in the sense that Midgley gives to this expression (section 5). This does not discredit it on principle but means that we cannot accept it uncritically by the mere fact that it appeals to the natural sciences to justify its validity. It is then argued that the central commitment of naturalists is the affirmation of atheism. In fact, the most radical contemporary naturalisms can be interpreted as an attempt to make every natural theology impossible, i.e., they seek to destroy the grounds on which reason classically relies to affirm the existence of God. It is argued that naturalism does not necessarily enjoy a priori epistemological superiority over theism.
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