Education for Health as Bodily and Spiritual Well-Being
health, human body, well-being, health education, axiological educationAbstract
The search for a conception of health education that could be contained within the framework of the pedagogical category of integral education is associated with the contemporary philosophy of health and the basic beliefs of which allowing for the identification of health with biopsychosocial well-being. In the context of the contemporary cultural valuation of the body education faces a number of difficulties and is falling short in many areas. One of the directions proposed within health education is to base its teleological foundations on the integral vision of man, in which he constitutes the ontic whole of the bios and psyche, the organic body and the spiritual life, organized by the principle of the personal “I”. The implementation of such goals requires the reference to values, hence in the integral approach to health education, the key task is to shape axiological awareness in relation to the value of the human body.
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