The first issue of the quarterly “Budget Law of the State and Local Government” was published in 2013. The idea of its creation was born in the Department of Budget Law and Local Government Finance at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Since then, the quarterly has been under constant development and improvement. The journal is indexed in the following databases: BazEkon, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH+ and Index Copernicus. Currently, efforts are being made to obtain entries in other databases. Each article published in the PBPiS is provided with a DOI number.
According to the announcement of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 31 July 2019, the quarterly "Budget Law of the State and Local Government" has been included in the list of scored scientific journals with an assigned number of 20 points for each publication, while according to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of 1 December 2021, the number of points has been increased to 40.
In 2021, the structure and composition of the editorial board was revised. The quarterly became more open to foreign researchers and specialists from other universities.