Tasks of the Polish Anti-doping Agency
state legal person, public sector, POLADA, anti-doping, anti-doping controlAbstract
The Act of 21 April 2017 on combating doping in sport has established the Polish Anti-Doping Agency (abbreviated as POLADA) primarily to counteract the use of doping by Polish athletes. This article presents, on the basis of the aforementioned Act and other legal acts and literature, the objectives of the Agency’s functioning, as well as its tasks assigned by the Act and the scope of POLADA activities. This article attempts to answer the question: do the current regulations allow for effective detection and prevention of doping in competitive sport, and are the POLADA’s activities sufficient in this matter? Finally, this text compares Polish and other states’ the legal solutions on the organisation of anti-doping entities in sport. A dogmatic-legal method and comparative law method is used in the study.
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