The Correspondence of Michał Antoni Hacki and Johannes Hevelius
Michał Antoni Hacki (ca. 1630–1703), Johannes Hevelius (1611–1687), correspondence in the 17th century, scholarly contacts, Republic of Letters, Scutum constellationAbstract
The article presents the correspondence of Michał Antoni Hacki (ca. 1630– 1703), abbot of the Oliwa monastery, and Johannes Hevelius (1611–1687), astronomer from Gdańsk, which was conducted irregularly between 1654 and 1686. The article discusses elements of the correspondence that supplement the present findings about biographies of both correspondents, including e.g. Hacki’s interests in music and Hevelius’s belief that positional astronomical instruments with telescopes should not be used. Moreover, it presents hitherto unknown circumstances of introducing the constellation of Scutum to honor the King John III and of dedicating to him a book by Hevelius.
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