O leksykalnych wykładnikach użycia interpretatywnego
https://doi.org/10.12775/LinCop.2011.005Słowa kluczowe
użycie interpretatywne, partykuły, ewidencjalność, modalność epistemiczna, modalność deontycznaAbstrakt
The article deals with the marking of interpretive use (a notion introduced by Sperber & Wilson 1986 within the framework of their Relevance Theory) in grammar and the lexicon. The emphasis is on discourse particles marking interpretive use. Unlike what has often been assumed, the marking of interpretive use is distinct from evidentiality, although the lexical markers of interpretive use, evidentiality and epistemic modality are relatively weakly differentiated and cases of polyfunctionality are frequent. Interpretive use markers and their relationship to evidential and epistemic markers is here illustrated by examples mainly from Slavonic and Baltic languages.Bibliografia
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