Relacja possessor ~ possessum w językach bałkańskich. Status tzw. zaimków dzierżawczych
DOI:łowa kluczowe
zaimki dzierżawcze, lingwistyka arealna, bałkańska liga językowaAbstrakt
The author analyses the means of expressing the relation possessor~possessum in the Balkan languages, both at the level of the sentence and the noun phrase. The analysis is carried from the perspective of Slavic languages. The key problems are: (a) defining the status of the so-called ‘possessive pronouns’, which, according to the author, belong to the case-paradigm of personal pronouns as exponents of the genitive case-relationship, and (b) defining parallels and differences between particular members of the Balkan Sprachbund in the analysed domain.
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