Tasty Events. On Culinary Events in the Silesian Voivodeship
https://doi.org/10.12775/LSE.2015.54.08Parole chiave
culinary events, Silesia, tradition, regional cuisineAbstract
The topic of reflection undertaken herein are public events having an evident culinary character. In the first part of her essay, the author proposes a typology of culinary events, with special focus on those events which appear in the public space the most often. Their number and considerable complexity are associated with the target participant group, the current patterns of consumption, gastronomic styles, and finally with functions which have been ascribed to those events. In the second part, she discusses selected culinary events organised in the Silesian voivodeship which have characteristic dishes (e.g. wodzionka, moczka, kołocz) associated with the local cuisine as their Leitmotif. These events are usually in the form of open-air festivals with contests for the best-prepared dish as their regular feature.Downloads
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