In the next volume of “Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne“, we will focus on a MAP as a cognitive/research tool, a text, a source of knowledge, and one of ‘intellectual technologies’ (Nicholas Carr), thanks to which we look for information and classify it, formulating and expressing ideas, but also as a metaphor or even – as Judith Schalansky put it – a literary genre.
We would like to encourage multidimensional and transdisciplinary perception of cartography, which also concerns a MAP with its form, function, status, and possibilities. Today, a MAP – as Elżbieta Rybicka noted – is one of key epistemological and ontological metaphors in philosophical, postcolonial, historical, and literary discourses. As a travelling concept, it is present in the reflection and methodology of geography, history, art history, psychology, and sociology.
Most of all, however, we are interested in the opinions of ethnographers, ethnologists and cultural anthropologists.
Submission deadline is 31 December 2020.
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