Re-writing. Krzysztof Varga’s "Hippopotamus Diary" as a Reading Strategy
diary, contextual reading, catalogue, libraryAbstract
The aim of the article is to show that Krzysztof Varga’s Hippopotamus Diary is a typical work of the genre, which is a collection of records on various topics or problems related to the author – his attitude, views, and way of looking at the world. What distinguishes it from other diary works is reading the world and events through reading. Varga uses the already read texts, purchased books, and series arranged in his library to comment on contemporary artistic and aesthetic phenomena, as well as political attitudes. The author builds his picture of the world based on his readings, making them the tool of contemporary criticism. His library is not limited only to written texts, but includes also audiobooks and videos. In the spirit of convergence, Varga shows how contemporary meaning archipelagos include not only the written word, but also sounds or film images. The author of Hippopotamus Diary uses the rewriting formula, placing the read texts in the context of current affairs and events, offering their individual, updated and often ideologized reading. For him, rewriting becomes a reading strategy that leaves an imprint on himself.
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