Wiara w omeny w relacjach późnoantycznych autorów chrześcijańskich
Faith in Omens in the Reports of Late Antiquity Christian Authors
While describing the pagan practices in the everyday lives of Christians, lateantique Christian authors signalize the strong dependency on good and ill omens.
Records depicting factual omens that were believed to protect againstmisfortune and the methods used by a late antique Christian man to stay protectedagainst evil
after omen sightings, are juxtaposed above. Amulets were among the mostpopular protection methods used to shield one against bad luck. Obviously, the faithin omens was unacceptable to the antique Church that tried to eradicate the beliefsin the omen infallibility through acts of preaching or through a series of logicalarguments that proved the uselessness of omens for all the baptized (christians) who should liveby the commandments and not by signs.
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