Praetorian Prefects of Emperor Commodus
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Emperor Commodus, prosopography, Imperium Romanum, praefecti praetorioAbstrakt
The article presents the history of ten praetorian prefects of Emperor Commodus. The prosopographical method used by the author of the article is extremely useful in the studies on individuals in the society of Imperium Romanum. In this type of research, it is particularly important to note that praefecti praetorio as a clerical elite were very well represented in ancient sources, which renders historical material highly representable for this group. During the twelve years’ rule of Commodus, the number of praefecti praetorio, representing nearly forty percent of these officials during the reign of the emperors of the Antonine dynasty (96–192), clearly indicates lack of stability and continuous political struggle in the Rome of those days. The presentation of ten praetorian prefects, the highest equestrian officials, sheds light on the political system of the last emperor of the Antonine dynasty.
The article presented herein is a translation of an article published in “Klio. Journal of Polish and World History” 2012, vol. 20, pp. 3–44, therefore it does not include the
literature published later (apart from references to new volumes of PIR2). The minor changes introduced are mainly editorial and connected with the need to adapt the text for
the English speaking reader
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