Three administrative texts from the time of the Third Dynasty of Ur in an anonymous collection in Poland
DOI:łowa kluczowe
Ur III, Neo-Sumerian administrative documents, cuneiform texts, Girsu-Lagaš, Puzriš-Dagan, rations of food, garments, soldiersAbstrakt
The article is a full edition (photography, autography, transliteration, translation and commentary) of three previously unpublished Neo-Sumerian administrative documents, held in one of the anonymous collections in Poland. The tablets come from two provincial archives of the kingdom of the Third Dynasty of Ur, Puzriš-Dagan and Girsu-Lagaš, and their content is typical of this group of cuneiform texts.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2021 Marek Stępień, Olga Drewnowska

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