The plebs contionalis – a perfect popular assembly participant?
DOI:łowa kluczowe
popular assembly, plebs contionalis, contionesAbstrakt
The writings of Cicero refer in various ways, often critically, to citizens who participated in contiones. Contemporary researchers refer to them as plebs contionalis, coined by Christian Meier. Although this term does not occur in the sources, many historians have concluded that it perfectly describes the citizens who regularly attended popular gatherings. The problem, however, is that the issues raised during the contiones were so varied, and these assemblies were held so often that it is hard to imagine that the average
citizen could afford to attend them regularly. The author of the article analyses various aspects of this issue and confronts them with the views of other researchers, in order to reach a more general conclusion about the participants in these contiones.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2021 Hanna Appel
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