Flaminat Juliusza Cezara – alternatywny sposób kariery patrycjuszowskiej?
https://doi.org/10.12775/KLIO.2018.048Słowa kluczowe
Juliusz Cezar, rzymskie kapłaństwo, flamen Dialis / Gaius Iulius Caesar, Roman priesthood, flamen DialisAbstrakt
In my paper I examine the case of Julius Caesar who was appointed as the flamen Dialis in 84 BC. I emphasize not so much the attempt to determine whether Caesar was in fact a flamen but rather reflect on the role which this priestly office could have had on the career of patrician. I belive that the position of flamen Dialis with the claim of being a part of the Senate was tempting and so this office could have been quite important for patricians especially from the minor gentes.Bibliografia
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