Specificity of blood pressure numbers in Holter monitoring depending on gene polymorphism among residents of Ternopil region afflicted with essential arterial hypertension
arterial hypertension, gene polymorphism, Holter blood pressure monitoring.Abstract
The aim of this work is to determine specificities of blood pressure (BP) numbers during the day depending on polymorphism of the A1166C-gene of angiotensin II receptor type I and T786C-promoter of the endothelial NO-synthase gene among residents of Ternopil region afflicted with essential arterial hypertension.
We have examined 86 patients with arterial hypertension who were treated and examined in the therapeutic department of the Central District Hospital in Kozova, aged from 45 to 76 years. All patients were measured for body weight and height, office blood pressure; also they were checked by Holter monitoring and electrocardiography (ECG), as well as examined for polymorphism of endothelial NO synthase genes and angiotensin II type 1 receptor genes. Statistical processing of the obtained data was performed with the help of the analytics software package including Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA) and Microsoft Office Excel-2003.
The research revealed that patients with CC genotype A1166C-gene of angiotensin II receptor of the first type had a significantly higher level of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) – average numbers per 24 hours, day and night – compared to patients with genotype AA(p<0,05). Hereby, no significant distinctions in blood pressure variability were found.
Patients with CC of the T786C promoter of the eNOs gene had higher SBP and DBP values at all times of the day compared to individuals with the TT genotype (p <0.05). Increased levels of variability of DBP during the day, as well as SBP and DBP at night, were observed among patients with CC genotype, as compared with the control group (p <0.05).
Among patients with C-allele of both studied genes, there’s a high frequency of circadian rhythm disorders with predominance of the “non-dippers” pathological type.
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