Quality of life of patients after a myocardial infarction
Quality of life, myocardial infarctionAbstract
A Latin adage says that "good health is better than the greatest wealth." [3] It has been known for a long time that the heart is the most important organ that works continuously throughout life to properly nourish all tissues, and thus determines the proper functioning and health of the entire human body. Meanwhile, despite the development of science, the advancement of diagnosis and treatment techniques, cardiovascular diseases, often leading to a heart attack, are the leading cause of death in most developed countries. [4]. Estimates of the National Centre For Heart Statistic say that 143 million people worldwide suffer from ischemic heart disease. [6]. A past of myocardial infarction, despite the high mortality, also affects the quality of life of patients. According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), quality of life is an individual way in which an individual perceives his or her position in life in relation to the culture and value system in which he or she functions, as well as in the context of expectations, tasks and standards set by environmental determinants. [5]. The medical approach to the quality of life consists in identifying the patient's problems related to his physical, mental and social activity resulting from the disease and the treatment used, as well as describing his views on health and subjective well-being.
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