Assessment of the quality of life of orthodontic and surgical patients. Analysis of the factors that motivate the initiation of treatment within the masticatory system
prognathism, retrognathism, craniofacial abnormalities, malocclusionAbstract
According to Angle's classification, a correct bite should have, inter alia, the following regularities: the median line of the face should coincide with the line between the central incisors of the upper and lower arches, the lower incisors should be overlapped by the incisal edges of the upper incisors, the top of the canine in the upper arch is inserted between the lower canine and the tangent premolar, each tooth is in contact with two opposing teeth, adjacent teeth both in the upper and lower arch are in contact with each other. Any deviation from these rules may indicate the presence of a malocclusion. We can distinguish here, for example: posteroclusion, open bite, retrusive occlusion, protrusive occlusion, supraclusion bite. They seem to be important not only in terms of functionality, but also psychology. Research shows that the correction of mandibular prognathism increases the level of self-confidence and self-acceptance, which may improve the quality of life of patients.
Purpose of research
The aim of the study was to check the quality of life of orthodontic and surgical patients as well as what factors motivate these people to start treatment in the area of the masticatory system.
Material and methods
208 people aged 18 to 55 participated in the survey. They were both people with malocclusion and no malocclusion, who constituted the control group. The questionnaire was created on the basis of standardized OQLQ and OHIP-14 questionnaires. It also included questions about the factors that motivate to start treatment in the masticatory system.
The most common malocclusion among the respondents was progenia (58.8%), followed by retrogenia (34.3%), then open bite (4%) and posteroclusion (2.9%). According to the OHIP-14 form, statistically significant (p <.0001) higher quality of life was seen in people without a masticatory organ defect, compared to people with the malocclusion. A statistically significant difference (p <.0001) between people with present or recent malocclusion (M = 54.29, SD = 16.71) and people without malocclusion (M = 31.93, SD = 18.31) was also visible in the study with using the OQLQ questionnaire.
A malocclusion worsens the comfort and quality of life.
Incorrect bite, face and smile aesthetics as well as psychological aspects are the most important factors motivating to undertake surgical and orthodontic treatment.
Bruxism and facial pain are not factors prompting the initiation of treatment of malocclusion.
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