Impact of some anthropometric characteristics on 400 meters
anthropometry, running 400 m, regression, student.Abstract
The aim of this paper was to prove the relationship between motor skills and anthropometric characteristics as a predictive system with effectiveness and results in running the discipline at 400 meters as situational-motor variables of the criteria system. The research was done by testing 60 samples of men 18 years old, ± 6 months, of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in Prishtina. Regarding the anthropometric variable, bigger correlation has been shown by the variable dermal tipple of the arm (AMTP) which correlate positively with running in 400 meter, from which we can conclude that the fullest in the upper limbs are students, the more slowly realize running in the 400 meters and conversely. The measurements were executed during September in the hall of the Faculty, in 400 meter runs in the stadium "FadilVokrri" Prishtina. The only condition that was used during the determination of the sample was: that the students are involved in regular physical education classes (and on the day of the measurement be healthy, without the flu, cold or other symptoms). The variables which are applied in this research have been 8 anthropometric variables and 1 motor-specific variables. The results obtained after their processing indicate that the impact of anthropometric variables is higher in running 400 meters. Short distance running and long distance running reduces the impact of anthropometric parameters whereas the influence of metabolic factors of energy production is increased. These results were also confirmed using regression analysis, so that groups of predictors of anthropometric characteristics, specific motor skills that statistically significantly influenced each variable of individual criteria. The results obtained from regression analysis indicate that in the variable 400 m running from low start (MV400MU) does not affect any anthropometric variables applied.We can emphasize that the test (F-test) is more valuable if the multiple correlation is greater, in the concrete case of this paper is significant (Sig = 0.645), because the value of the F-test is = 0.753.
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