Methods of assessing body composition and anthropometric measurements – a review of the literature
body composition, measures, weights, bioelectrical impedanceAbstract
Introduction and purpose
Body composition assessment is an important element in determining the health of the body, which enables us to estimate the percent content of particular tissues in the body. Measured parameters include the amount of adipose tissue, muscle, bone tissue, and hydration. The aim of the study is to present a differentiation of methods of assessing body composition and anthropometric measurements after analysis of 29 scientific publications from Pubmed and Google Scholar.
A brief description of the state of knowledge
Bioelectrical impedance analysis, densitometry, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and air displacement plethysmography are methods that enable us to assess body composition and hydration. These methods differ from each other in equipment which is used, accuracy, test price, and technique of measurement. The differences in the accuracy of measurements result from the lack of correlation between the methods given. Skinfold thickness, body mass index, waist to hip circumference ratio, and growth charts in children are methods of assessing anthropometric measurements. The research shows the use of individual methods of assessing body composition and methods of anthropometric measurements among different age groups.
There are many devices and methods for measuring body composition and for anthropometric measurements, which can be used in different age groups. They are important in assessing human growth, development, and health status and can be used in clinical practice.
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