Comorbid disorders in posttraumatic and post-success epilepsy. Possibilities of therapy
symptomatic epilepsy, comorbid diseases, traumatic brain injury, stroke, treatmentAbstract
In the article, the authors substantiate the methods of treatment of the most common cause of symptomatic epilepsy in adults, namely traumatic and ischemic. The complexity of treatment is the need to take into account the location and magnitude of brain damage, the severity of the pathological process, risk factors for the most symptomatic epilepsy, the presence of comorbid pathology. Also, the large number of side effects from taking antiepileptic drugs, encourages the discovery of new treatments.
A method of treating post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE), in which, in addition to standard anticonvulsant therapy, other drugs were prescribed, such as: ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, nootropic heptapeptide ACTH 4-10, Magnerot, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, Semax 0.1% solution.
Fifteen patients with PTE and 19 patients with post-stroke epilepsy (PIE) were examined. In the process of examination of patients with PTE, the main neurological syndromes that accompany epilepsy are identified and are often combined with each other. At PIE in the anamnesis all patients had various cardiovascular pathology: cerebral atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, etc.
During treatment, in addition to controlling seizures, the number of complaints of cephalgia decreased, the signs of clinical depression and subjective experiences decreased. Positive changes in bioelectrogenesishave been registered. The state of short-term and long-term memory, stability of attention has improved. A positive effect was obtained from the treatment of seizures and comorbid pathology.
The alternating effect of the proposed drugs on the background of anticonvulsant therapy leads to a significant reduction in the number and duration of epileptic seizures.
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