Organization of preventive medical care for the patients with the diseases of the circulatory system (according to sociological survey)
sociological survey, preventive medical care, circulatory system diseaseAbstract
Today, when the value of health itself as a category is growing, and at the same time rapidly increase society's costs for social protection, preservation, strengthening, maintenance and restoration of health, the importance of prevention as a universal, affordable and effective way will increase many times. The objective: according to the data of sociological survey to study the state and organization of preventive medical care for the patients with circulatory system diseases. Materials and methods. In 2020 on the basis of specially developed questionnaire sociological survey of 829 patients with the diseases of circulatory system was made. All the patients referred to out-patients clinics of Kiev region. The results obtained were statistically processed. Results. Sociological survey results highlighted a number of organizational problems in preventive medical care, low level of dispensary observation, preventive activity and awareness and knowledge of the patients in prophylaxis of circulatory system diseases, prevalence of harmful habits and set out priorities, forms and problems for hygienic information of the patients under examination. Conclusions. The survey made allowed establish that preventive medical care for the patients with circulatory system diseases should be improved.
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