Morphofunctional state of the lungs respiratory part in normotensive and hypertensive rats after combined exposure to intermittent hypoxia and melatonin
intermittent normobaric hypoxia, melatonin, lungsAbstract
Aim. The purpose of this work was to study and compare the combined effect of intermittent normobaric hypoxia (INH) and melatonin on the morphological and biochemical indices of the lungs respiratory part in Wistar and spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR).
Material and methods. The studies were conducted on 48 young male rats Wistar and SHR lines. The experimental rats were daily exposed to hypoxic gas mixture (12 % oxygen in nitrogen) in intermittent mode: 15 min deoxygenation / 15 min reoxygenation for 2 hours. Animals also received oral melatonin at a dose of 5 mg /1 kg of body weight once daily.
Results. The sizes of alveolus were reduced, but their number and placement density were increased in SHR rats after a combined effect of INH and melatonin. The results showed a significant decrease of the interalveolar septum thickness and a tendency to decrease of the hydroxyproline concentration in the lung tissue of the experimental rats, regardless of their line.
Conclusions. The 28-day combined effect of INH and melatonin increase the total alveolar surface area and reduce the amount of connective tissue in the lungs of experimental rats. These changes can improve the efficiency of the intrapulmonary gas exchange processes.
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