Influence of thyroid hormones and drag for anesthesia on homeostasis of the humoral pert of the immune system and Red-OX system in the rat’s body
free radicals, humoral immunity, hyperthyroidism, sodium thiopental, dexmedetomidineAbstract
Introduction. The increase in the prevalence of hyperthyroidism justifies the feasibility of experimental studies to study the mechanisms of thyroid hormones on a number of metabolic processes and homeostasis in euthyroidism and hyperthyroidism in the experiment and increases against the background of preoperative stress.
The aim of the study: to find out the peculiarities of the reaction of the immune system and free radical processes of experimental animals under conditions of simulated hyperthyroidism to the action of various drugs for anesthesia.
Research methods. To simulate the state of hyperthyroidism, rats received L-thyroxine for 21 days. The effect of euthyroidism and hyperthyroidism on the level of homeostasis of the humoral part of the immune system and free radicals on the introduction of sodium thiopental and dexmedetomidine in the experiment compared.
Results and discussion. In the blood plasma of animals with experimental hyperthyroidism, changes in the level of the humoral part of the immune system and free radicals were observed under the influence of sodium thiopental and dexmedetomidine hydrochloride under conditions of hyper- and euthyroidism.
Conclusions. Activation of metabolic processes of the thyroid gland affects the universal defense systems of the body, which is especially evident in conditions of operational and perioperative stress by disruption of homeostasis of the immune system and the activity of free radicals.
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