Assessment of biological activity of natural iron-containing mineral waters at their internal application
ferrous mineral waters, metabolism, red blood, structural changes of internal organsAbstract
In experiments on rats of the Wi-star line, the influence of two iron-containing weakly mineralized mineral waters with a high content of organic matter (MW) from the sources № 13 and № 15 of Skhidnytsia deposit (Ukraine). It was determined that both MW do not have a toxic effect on their use on animals, as evidenced by the lack of significant structural and functional changes in the tissues of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and heart. It is established that MW from source No. 13 changes the activity of transamination processes in hepatocytes, increases bile formation and biliary excretion, and activates red blood counts. MW from source No. 15 has a similar effect, but more significantly affects the metabolism, red blood, and immune system. The research results justify the use of these iron-containing MW for the correction of iron deficiency conditions in laboratory animals.
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