An example of health training for pregnant women
pregnancy, physical activity, woman, childbirthAbstract
With the expansion of the knowledge about the physiology of pregnancy is changing the recommendation for safe management during its duration. More and more often talk about the need for physical activity due to maintaining or even increasing cardiopulmonary capacity, muscle strength, range of joint mobility, especially the hip and spine. And the right conduct and selection of exercises not only guarantees the development of the child, but also prepares the future mother for active participation in childbirth. Regular gymnastics and properly selected exercises, as part of pregnancy care with a physiological, uncomplicated course, are widely recognized. It is important that such awareness also have women expecting a child, while gaining additional motivation to exercise. In this article, we have tried to present and justify the valuable effect of the mentioned gymnastic exercises, which a pregnant woman can do without medical contraindications.References
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