Assessment of adaptive changes under the influence of applied recreational training in men based on cardiorespiratory selected parameters
adaptation, vital capacity, physical activityAbstract
Introduction:Systematic physical activity contributes to the development of adptive changes in the human body.Purpose of the work:The aim of the study was: To assess adaptive changes under the influence of recreational training used in men based on selected parameters.Material and method:53 men aged 45 (± 6) years were examined. The tests were performed at the beginning and end of training lasting 18 weeks. Men undertook systematic training three times a week. The training units lasted 1.5 hours, the work performed was continuous, mainly based on oxygen metabolism with elements of anaerobic effort.BMI, HR, RR, VC, TV, IRV, ERV, IC and the difference in chest circumferences between inspiration and exhalation were assessed in the subjects.Results:
Average values were obtained: BMI 26 (± 2), there was no difference in measured chest circumferences before and after the training period. The measured RR values showed a significant statistical difference for diastolic pressure. Diastolic pressure decreased by 4 mmHg at significance level p = 0.000. The mean HR measured before and after the training period showed constant values of 68 (± 11) bpm. Similarly, the VC average showed no change. A significant decrease in the ERV parameter was noted for p = 0.03. The average value of ERV, IRV, TV measured before and after the training period did not show significant differences. A significant difference was observed during the IC measurement, where this parameter increased its value at the significance level p = 0.02.Conclusions:Adaptive changes and their trends depend on the type of physical training used.Not every type of systematic training used for 18 weeks will cause significant adaptive changes.
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