Diagnostics and correction of vestibular, autonomic and vascular dysfunctions on the background of degenerative changes in the cervical spin
vestibular dysfunction, autonomic dysfunction, chronic cerebral ischemia, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, treatmentAbstract
Studies in 82 patients were aimed at optimizing the diagnosis and treatment of vestibular dysfunctions with vegetative-vascular disorders during degenerative changes in the cervical spine.
The main symptoms of vestibulopathy were dizziness as well as their provoking and related causes. Obtained objective state data of the vestibular analyzer using the integrative index of ataxia, the state of autonomic characteristics, data of the psychoemotional and cognitive sphere. The author's method of treating such conditions using a complex of vegetotropic, vascular, nootropic drugs, as well as intranasal electrophoresis, was used. Positive results were obtained for this type of therapy for vestibulopathy and autonomic vascular disorders.
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